Sedex tools and services update
The “Built for you” quarterly webinar series gives you an easy way to keep up with the improvements we’re making to the Sedex platform, tools and services, to support your business goals and the complex challenges you face. We hosted our second webinar of 2022 and provided an update of what we’ve been working on and what else is coming up throughout the year. Here’s a brief recap.
What we’re building at Sedex
We’re building a world leading responsible business platform, with a suite of tools and services that allow companies to easily identify and manage risks in their business and supply chain, and access a wide range of data to make important business decisions.
Our platform supports more than 65,000 members in over 180 countries to operate ethically, and efficiently manage a responsible supply chain
Throughout the last year we have been sharing updates on our platform transformation plans and our significant investment in new technology to deliver more capabilities for you, our members.
What we have delivered to you so far
- New e-Learning: We launched our new and improved e-Learning platform, with an interface that’s easier to navigate, and content that’s easier to find and share.
- Improved supplier onboarding: A simpler registration process for new suppliers (with one site), who are invited through the platform. New suppliers will also see a new dashboard and payment process, allowing for quicker and easier onboarding for suppliers you invite to join Sedex.
- Issue title improvements to SMETA audits: We reduced the list of audit issue titles by 37%, focusing on improving the detection and identification of issues and risks, whilst also removing duplication of issue titles. This means you will experience more accurate reporting of non-compliances and their criticality.
- Site Compliance Report: This report allows Buyer and Buyer/Supplier members to quickly view your suppliers’ compliance information such as: Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) completions, membership status, audit information, criticality of non-compliances, and Radar risk scores.
- Easier to complete Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) design: We improved the design and wording of the first 40 questions of the SAQ for new suppliers with one site. As it can be accessed through the new platform, suppliers can expect improved page load times – making it faster to complete.
What’s coming in 2022
Throughout the year we will continue building our new platform, developing brand new functionality, embedding automation, supercharging performance, and delivering a next generation experience for you and your teams.
Some of the areas of focus are:
- Making it easier for all members to access the new platform
- Improving the audit workflow
- Improving our data and reporting tools to help members surface more insights, more easily
- Helping members improve their supply chain visibility
- Updating SMETA and the Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) to improve their detection and identification of issues and risks.
Improvements we’re focusing on over the next few months
- Schedule and complete an audit digitally: Auditors will be able to initiate and complete new audits for a Sedex member site through the new platform. Data captured during the audit initiation will pre-populate all relevant areas of the SMETA Corrective Action Plan Report (CAPR) and SMETA report, to improve consistency and reduce the time it takes to complete an audit. Buyer members will also be notified throughout the audit process.
- Launching our first customer API: For the first time, members can automate the transfer of their sites’ and suppliers’ data such: as non-compliances, audit information and Self-Assessment Questionnaire completion, from Sedex’s platform directly into their internal systems. An additional cost will be charged to access the API.
- SMETAx – a new direction for social audit: We’re currently developing our SMETA standard so we can better detect issues, create simpler reporting, and provide clear data outputs. We’ll be piloting the new SMETAx standard with our members throughout July – September and you can get involved by speaking to your Relationship Manager.
- Manage all your relationships: We’re making it easier for you to set up and manage links within the new platform. Any existing relationships attached to your company (or subsidiary if you have one) will be managed through the new platform. Link requests can be accepted directly through an email, without having to log in to the platform.
- Radar annual update: Our risk assessment tool to help members identify labour, human right and environmental risks across their business and supply chains is receiving an annual update of the underlying third-party data sources that contribute to the country risk score. This means members can be confident that global risk data is up to date to help you prioritise their resources effectively.
You can find more information about all the improvements we have made to the new platform so far here.
Get involved testing new features and have your say
To ensure our members’ needs are embedded in our tools, services and platform rebuild, we’ve created an Early Access Group (EAG) and member survey programme. This programme allows members to input, preview and use new features before they are rolled out more widely. EAG members are shaping the next generation platform for responsible business and getting a head start on using new features. To sign up you can register here.