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Sedex Launches COVID-19 Modular SAQ

Sedex has developed a new COVID-19 Modular SAQ to help businesses understand the impact of COVID-19 on workers and global supply chains. This product is part of a wider suite of products Sedex is developing in response to COVID-19.

What is a modular SAQ? ​

A modular SAQ is a set of questions that sits alongside our core Sedex Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ), and can be applied to all or some of your supplier sites. This new COVID-19 specific SAQ enables you to share a targeted set of questions with suppliers to understand the impact of COVID-19 on their business, and the wellbeing of their workers. Collecting this data will help your business better understand the needs of suppliers, adapt your business operations and better respond to the impacts of COVID-19, helping to create a more resilient supply chain.

Understanding COVID-19’s impact on supply chains

The new modular SAQ helps buyers and suppliers to understand the following:

The impact on a supplier’s business

  • For example, the increase or decrease in business operations or disruption to business
  • This includes the business response to the crisis (e.g. diversification, closure, subcontracting)

Protection of workers’ health and safety 

  • Workplace​
  • Accommodation​

Protection of workers’ incomes / financial impact

  • Wages​
  • Social security benefits ​

Business reactions and resilience

  • Business continuity and relationships with customers and suppliers

If you’re an existing customer, your account manager or our Member Services Team can set this up for you. For new customers, please request to have the COVID-19 Modular SAQ applied to your account/sent to your suppliers.

Once the modular SAQ has been assigned, you can select which suppliers need to complete the bolt-on. Once its complete, you can view the answers in Sedex Advance immediately.

Sedex has produced resources and guidance to help members manage the impacts of COVID-19 on their employees and workers in their supply chains. You can find these here.


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