Sedex 推出 COVID-19 模块化 SAQ

Sedex 开发了全新的 COVID-19 模块化 SAQ,以帮助企业了解 COVID-19 对工人和全球供应链的影响。 本产品是 Sedex 为 应对 COVID-19 而开发的更多产品套件的一部分。
什么是模块化 SAQ?
模块化 SAQ 是与我们核心 Sedex 自我评估问卷 (SAQ ) 并列的一组问题,可应用于您的所有或部分供应商站点。 这个新的 COVID-19 特定 SAQ 使您能够与供应商分享一组有针对性的问题,以了解 COVID-19 对其业务和员工福祉的影响。 收集这些数据将帮助您的企业更好地了解供应商的需求,调整您的业务运营并更好地应对 COVID-19 的影响,从而有助于创建更具弹性的供应链。
了解 COVID-19 对供应链的影响
- 例如,业务运营的增加或减少或业务中断
- 这包括对危机的业务响应(例如多元化、关闭、分包)
- 车间
- 住宿
- 工资
- 社会保障福利
- 业务连续性以及与客户和供应商的关系
如果您是现有客户,您的客户经理或我们的会员服务团队可以为您设置。 对于新客户,请要求将 COVID-19 模块化 SAQ 应用于您的帐户/发送给您的供应商。
分配模块化 SAQ 后,您可以选择哪些供应商需要完成螺栓连接。 完成后,您可以立即在 Sedex 进阶中查看答案。
Sedex 提供了资源和指导,帮助会员管理 COVID-19 对其员工和供应链中工人的影响。 你可以 在这里找到这些。
Some businesses and people will be more vulnerable to the impacts of COVID-19. Impacts may include:rnrnHealth and safety measures in places to minimise the spread and infection of COVID-19 in the workplacernManagement of labour shortages and excessive hoursrnFinancial impacts of COVID-19 on workersrnMeasures to manage stress and wellbeing of workersrnSupport from customers and for suppliers
No, the COVID-19 Modular SAQ is a bolt-on included in your Sedex membership.
No, the COVID-19 Modular SAQ is a complementary supplement to the existing SAQ. If you are a Sedex supplier member, you should still aim to complete the main SAQ for your site(s). This new modular SAQ is designed specifically to understand COVID-19’s impact on supply chains.
The COVID-19 Modular SAQ is assigned on a site-by-site basis, just as the core SAQ is.
We estimate it will take less than one hour to complete the set of questions.
You can find step-by-step guidance on Sedex e-Learning. You can find it under: Training and Resources >> Topics: How to use Sedex Advance >> Suppliers >> Completing Modular SAQs.